The Finnish Wildlife Agency’s headquarters has moved to new premises. It is now located in the Tapanila neighbourhood of Helsinki. At the same address you will also find the Registry, Licence Administration, the Metsästäjä magazine’s editorial office and the Uusimaa Regional Office.
Eurosite Sustainable Wildlife Management Workshop
Next week site managers, landowners and wildlife and hunting organisations from across Europe will come together to share best practice on how sustainable hunting practices can be integrated into nature conservation planning.
What a Foreign Guest Needs to Be Able to Hunt in Finland
In addition to a valid hunting licence, a hunter arriving in Finland may need a hunting permit and a shooting test certificate, as well as a licence to bring a firearm or dog into the country. The best way to proceed is for the Finnish hunter host to help their guest in acquiring these permits and licences.
AEWA Action Planning Workshop for the Taiga Bean Goose
An international action planning workshop for the Taiga Bean Goose took place in Finland. This action-planning process is the first of its kind under AEWA as it deals with a declining population for which an adaptive harvest framework is foreseen to be developed.
World Rabies Day Seminar
World Rabies Day reminds us of the fact that rabies remains a major concern worldwide. Evira welcomes everyone to a seminar, at which this disease will be discussed, on Friday, 27 September 2013. The seminar is free of charge and open to the public.
Finns’ attitudes to hunting are more positive than before
The majority of Finns have a positive view of hunting. In comparison to 2004, positive attitudes have increased while negative ones have decreased.
World Migratory Bird Day 2013
World Migratory Bird Day 2013 will highlight the importance of ecological networks for the survival of migratory birds, the important human networks dedicated to their conservation, the threats migratory birds face, and the need for more international cooperation to conserve them.